How is the Multi-Channel User-Documentation Made for PEUGEOT/CITROEN Cars?
Three years ago, PEUGEOT S.A. Group switched to DITA, to provide paperless on‑board end-user documentation. This presentation describes how 4D Concept built an efficient customised process to publish the same content on paper, web and smartphone apps (Scan MyPeugeot App, Scan MyCitroën on stores).
Meet the Presenters
Thomas is the Sales Engineer and Account Manager at 4D CONCEPT. His focus is on related business software and integration services: Authoring tools, CMS, 3D Solutions, standardized SGML / XML writing (S1000D, ATA, Dita, …) Business & Sales in the Key Accounts markets for Transport, Defense, Aeronautics and HighTech sectors in Europe, but also in major communication groups and French media.
Patrice is currently advising, designing, training, accompanying major technical documentation publishers for:
• Content design in DITA and S1000D environments
• Content management
• Cross-media publishing
• Help material authoring.
Technical background and experience: telecom systems, multimedia production, web production, user support, information architecture, technical documentation, software documentation.