It’s an Agile World

More and more software products deliver new features on a daily basis. But this is not just a fast delivery cycle. We also have to deal with two other challenges:

  1. Features might be omitted from the software shipment at literally the last minute.
  2. Customers get different software variants with specific features or feature flavors. On the software side, this is handled with feature flags.

Now what can we do on the documentation side? For the DITA CMS, we’ve developed process models for flexible shipments of feature documentation.

The DITA CMS mirrors the software feature flags. And authors use them to generate documentation variants that reflect the software variants. And this is also a benefit for the customer: They get documentation that’s tailored for their software variant.

In this presentation you’ll see our current process model and how the new continuous process is implemented in our DITA CMS. You also see the automation options we are working on to connect the build process with the software process.

Who is presenting?

Carsten Brennecke is User Assistance Architect in the central User Assistance Strategy & Services team at SAP since more than 15 years. He has a strong background and long years of experience in info architecture and coordination of large software documentation sets as well as DITA-based documentation creation.


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