Managing Complex Regulatory and Scientific Documentation with DITA and Microsoft SharePoint

Take a standard as ubiquitous and customizable as DITA, an enterprise content management system as omnipresent as SharePoint, and a web-based editor as intuitive and user-friendly as the FontoXML Editor, and create a system that can be hosted in on-premise infrastructure and the cloud alike. Give it to regulators and scientists and they’ll love it: creating and maintaining content, collecting and addressing feedback, finding what you’re looking for and getting powerful insights from reports, managing taxonomies and taking documentation through complex revision processes just got as fast and easy as never before. Come and see how we did it.


Meet the Presenter

Martina Levay Home in Vienna, Martina Levay is a software engineer whose technical focus is on software applications based on Microsoft SharePoint and products of the Office Suite. Following her Master studies in software engineering at the Technical University in Vienna, she joined Microsoft Enterprise Services as SharePoint consultant and went on to work as SharePoint specialist and project manager at the International Atomic Energy Agency. Her recent projects have covered such areas as content management and business process automation; SharePoint, Office 365 and .NET MVC; IaaS/PaaS and the Microsoft Azure cloud; XML/XSLT and DITA; off-shoring and project management. Martina is an experienced business analyst, software engineer and SharePoint architect.


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