DITA Linking Strategies
Let’s discuss all the possible ways to link between resources in your DITA project.
We’ll analyze various scenarios, look at small examples and try to find together answers to questions like:
Should I link or should I reuse?
Should I add links in-line or as related information?
Should I use direct or indirect links?
Should I prefer to chunk content in larger sections or to link to smaller modules?
How can I have an overview of all my project’s external links?
Should I define related links manually in each topic or use a relationship table?
What can attendees expect to learn?
At the end of the presentation the audience will have a good idea about all the possibilities of linking in DITA, either using manual links in topic or by defining links in relationship tables, direct or indirect links using key references.
We’ll discuss small examples and come up with best practices. There are no fixed rules but we’ll try to approach various cases and come up with the best approach for them.
Meet the Presenter
Radu Coravu started working more than 10 years ago as a software developer for Syncro Soft Ltd., the manufacturer of the popular Oxygen XML Editor. During the last couple of years, his main focus has been in the development of the visual XML Author editing environment and of the specific DITA support provided by Oxygen. He provides tech support for complex integrations and helps steer the product in the right direction, all this with some Java development on the side.