The Future of DITA

Where has DITA been? Where is it going? Join the Chair of the DITA Technical Committee for thoughts and discussion about current plans (Lightweight DITA and DITA 2.0), community participation, and how to ensure that DITA remains alive, vital, and evolving in years to come.

What can attendees expect to learn?


Meet the Presenter

As the principal consultant with Eberlein Consulting LLC, Kris works with companies to develop, refine, and sustain successful (and practical) DITA implementation. A member of the DITA Technical Committee since 2007, she has been in leadership roles since 2008 (Secretary, Co-Chair, and Chair). In her current capacity as Chair of the OASIS DITA Technical Committee, she works to ensure the future direction, growth, and health of the DITA standard. She also is co-editor of the DITA 1.2 and 1.3 specifications. Trained as a historian, she’s worn almost all the content worker hats you can imagine: Information developer, team lead, information architect, tool smith … When not herding (technical) cats, she cooks, quilts, and enjoys her 2002 Mini Cooper.

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