Becoming a Safe Harbor for Your Data Immigrants

As if writing documentation wasn‘t enough, many also face the task of migrating data, foreign or inhouse. You may be a solution provider offering your clients a path to process incoming data from other sources or you may be a company accepting other documentation from business partners or integrating documentation from freshly acquired smaller firms.
Every migration scenario is quite unique in its own way, but there are still common procedures applying to them. And do you pursue a one-off strategy, because you think it‘s a once in a lifetime undertaking or do you strive for an integration platform, because data immigrants are just queuing up at your doorstep? And what does the zeitgeist have to do with it?
We will not be providing final answers, but trying to present an overview about possible kinds of data migration scenarios, and exemplifying them with projects from the presenter‘s company.

Meet the Presenter

The presenter has 20+ years experience in SGML and XML processing, both in a research context in the area of natural language processing and, since 2000, in the field of technical documentation, being with Software AG, where he has been involved in custom automated build system for documentation since 2001. In 2009, Software AG introduced DITA documentation processing with ePublisher, and in 2015, the presenter started efforts to integrate these two documentation environments and redesign the DITA toolchain.

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