Customizing the DITA Editing Experience in oXygen XML Editor

oXygen XML Editor has lots of customization potential, allowing you to customize DITA editing according to your own internal needs.
We’ll take a look at how various aspects of the application can be customized:
– Providing new file templates.
– Altering the CSSs used for visual editing.
– Adding form controls for inserting metadata.
– Filtering the allowed content completion entries.
– Customizing the DITA-specific toolbar and menus.
– Imposing controlled attribute values.
– Adding custom validation rules and quick fixes.
– Adding custom spell dictionaries or spell checkers.
– Using a custom DITA Open Toolkit publishing engine.
– Building plugins to enhance the DITA editing experience.

Meet the Presenter

Radu Coravu started working more than 10 years ago as a software developer for Syncro Soft Ltd., the manufacturer of the popular oXygen XML Editor. During the last years, his main focus has been in the development of the visual XML Author editing environment and the specific-DITA support provided by oXygen. He provides support for complex integrations and helps steer the product in the right direction, all this with some development on the side.
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